Our Snail Inquiry Begins

Every time we go outside for outdoor learning the children are searching for snails. Recently, we were pulling weeds and preparing our kindergarten garden and found many snails of different sizes. Today, we went on a snail search and brought them into our classroom to look at closely. We put some on a piece of paper with a little bit of paint and watched them move through the paint creating some artwork. We also had 2 snails try a race. The snails had some difficulty going in the right direction and it took quite some time to find a winner. Mrs. Stewart and Mr. Taylor have shared an aquarium they had used as an indoor habitat for some snails and have allowed us to keep it in our classroom for the month. Now we need to search how we can care for them. Mrs. Swaileblack, our librarian found us a book about snails that we hope to use to find out more about them. Ms. Booth was so excited to see our snails paint and race and she had some inquiry questions just like us. Is that a boy snail or a girl snail? Is that their eyes sticking out? Why do they have long ears? Why do they have a shell? Why are their bodies different colours? Snails sure aren’t the fastest animal but they sure are fun to watch!

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