Wally shares his relaxation secrets!

IMG_3289[1]In Dina Dinosaur school, we learned what it means to relax and calm down. Wally shared his relaxation breathing and Raggedy Wally. Dina told us about a time when Wally was playing ball and some kids came up and took the ball away. There were lots of kids fighting and arguing over the ball. The teacher came and hauled everyone to the office. Wally wasn’t involved in the fighting and wasn’t taken to the principal office. He shared his secret that when he gets angry and tense, his muscles get stiff and his heart races. He takes a few deep breathes and it helps him relax. After, he is not so mad and can stay out of fights. The children practiced being angry and stiff like Tin Men and then after a few deep breaths they became old relaxed Raggedy Wally. Check out our stiff and relaxed photos! We can really relax like Wally.

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