Tattle Tongue with Wally and Molly

IMG_3012[1]In Dina Dinosaur School, Wally, Molly and Dina helped us learn the difference between tattling and telling. Ms. Stewart read us the story ” A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue” that she borrowed from Mrs. Rawson’s grade 1 class. It is a story about a little boy who tattles way too much. He tattles on his classmates, his brother and even his dog! One night he wakes up to find his tongue is very long, yellow, covered in bright purple spots and itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy–a bad case of Tattle Tongue. Dina told us “The Tattle Rules”:

Rule #1- Be a Danger Ranger

If a person is in danger, you must warn someone!

Rule #2-Be a Problem Solver

If the problem involves you, take charge and try hard to solve it yourself first.

Rule #3-Now or Later

Is the problem a “NOW” problem or a “NOT NOW” problem? Can your problem be solved at a later time?

Rule#4-M.Y.O.B. (Mind Your Own Beeswax)

If the problem is not dangerous and if it does not involve you . . . DO NOT TATTLE!

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