Bird Inquiry



The children found a  nest in the front of the school’s outdoor ligtht fixture and saw and heard many birds as they lay on their backs in our school yard. This sparked many questions. What do birds use to build their nests? Do all birds fly? What do birds eat? The children built nests outside with found things on the yard and then created more nests at our discovery table using tissue paper, string, felt, etc.  The song the “Nest is Best” helped us to learn the things birds can use for their nests. They also created cheerio feeders on pipe cleaners and we hung these up in our kindergarden yard and the front of the school. Do you think we might see more birds? We hope they like our feeders!




Throughout the month of February we discovered shadows. “Have you seen your own shadow?” “Can shadows move?” Do shadows always stay the same size?”  We tried to find our shadows outside and discovered that our shadows were in different places depending on where the sun was. We traced our shadows in the classroom and played “Guess who’s shadow this is?” and we created a shadow centre using flashlights to create shadows on the wall in our classroom. The children found out how to make the shadows big and small. The children asked “are shadows always black?”  They became shadow detectives and found out how they could make coloured shadows.